FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797–1828)
Gebet (Fouqué), D 815
Mixed choir and piano
Gott in der Natur (E. C. v. Kleist), D 757
Women's choir and piano
Sehnsucht (Goethe), D 656
Men's choir
Der 23. Psalm (Mendelssohn), D 706
Women's choir and piano
Mirjams Siegesgesang (Grillparzer), D 942
Soprano, mixed choir and piano
– Intermission –
Im Gegenwärtigen Vergangenes (Goethe), D 710
Men's choir and piano
Coronach (Scott), D 836
Women's choir and piano
Mondenschein (Schober), D 875
Men's choir and piano
Nachthelle (Seidl), D 892
Tenor, men's choir and piano
Ständchen (Grillparzer), D 920
Alto, women's choir and piano
Gesang der Geister über den Wassern (Goethe), D 714
Men's choir and strings
»Schwarzenberg, with its deep valleys, pine forests, rural atmosphere, towering peaks and fast-flowing streams, is a venue Schubert would have felt at home.«
Limelight, Australia