July 2016
Thursday · 02:30 pm

Lied master class Thomas Hampson and Wolfram Rieger

Master class

Lied master class Thomas Hampson and Wolfram Rieger



Jospia Bainac (soprano)

Daan Boertien (piano)

Jesús Campo Ibáñez (piano)

Ignacio Clemente Estupiñán (piano)

Martina Gmeinder (mezzo-soprano)

Manuel Gómez Ruiz (tenor)

Marion Grange (soprano)

David Hausknecht (piano)

Bernhard Jan (piano)

Jóhann Kristinsson (baritone)

Niki Liogka (piano)

Clarin Isai Merk (piano)

Daniel Pannermayr (bass)

Raoul Steffani (baritone)

Julia Katherine Walsh (soprano)

Yiqui Zhou (piano)


»The Schubertiade has become to serious song what Bayreuth is to Wagner. An iconic home.«

The Independent, UK