September 2005
Saturday · 04:00 pm

Thomas Quasthoff Baritone
Rainer Kussmaul Direction and Violin
Albrecht Mayer Oboe
Berliner Barock Solisten

Chamber concert

Thomas Quasthoff Baritone
Rainer Kussmaul Direction and Violin
Albrecht Mayer Oboe
Berliner Barock Solisten


Ouverture No. 1 in C, BWV 1066

»Der Friede sei mit dir«, Cantata BWV 158

Concerto for oboe, violin and strings in C minor, BWV 1060

»Ich habe genug«, Cantata BWV 82


»If you relish the idea of being in the company of world-class musicians as they, like you, revel in the intimacy and staggering beauty of this festival, then book early for next year.«

The Guardian, UK